The Leading Sovereign and Sustainable Operator of Trusted Business Experience as a Service

3DS OUTSCALE, Dassault Systèmes’ Cloud subsidiary, places trust at the heart of its raison d’être by being a multi-local Cloud Computing player.


Since 2010, 3DS OUTSCALE has been committed to a responsible vision of its technologies that inspire start-ups, software companies, enterprises and institutions to innovate in a way that respects current and future generations. Its mission to provide hyper-trusted Cloud services is reflected in its promise to satisfy the highest market requirements, such as the SecNumCloud qualification issued by ANSSI in 2019, making 3DS OUTSCALE the first Cloud provider to offer highly secure infrastructure services. This commitment is also supported by services and an organisation that is fully certified for security and information management in the Cloud (ISO 27001-27017-27018), and for Health Data Hosting (HDH).


Conquering new Markets: when Innovation meets Customer Needs

2023 - Panel ProductSales
09/19/2023 | 11:20 - 12:00 | Central Room
