

B2B Rocks in Germany - The most relevant B2B SaaS community in the German speaking markets

ARRtist is the knowledge exchange platform for B2B SaaS founders, senior executives and investors. ARRtist Summit is a high-profile and invite-only networking conference for senior executives and investors in B2B SaaS in the DACH region.

The founders of ARRtist have been entrepreneurs for over a decade each, are active investors in and advisors to B2B SaaS companies in the DACH region.Key learnings:1) We’ve learned most when we talked turkey. With other founders. In a safe space.2) Many problems are repetitive. Search costs for ventures are high and exchange between companies is low (compared to USA, UK).In 2022, we created ARRtist to change this. ARR is the most important top level KPI in SaaS = Annual Recurring Revenue. Getting to 10m ARR is a combination of science and art. Hence, the name ARRtist.The first ARRtist Summit in October 2022 attracted the best in SaaS: accomplished unicorn founders, top investors, ambitious early-stage founders

Have speaker on

Make Europe a B2B SaaS superpower by 2030

2023 - Panel International Expansion
09/19/2023 | 10:30 - 11:10 | Central Room

Expanding to the US: Insights to Build your American Dream

2023 - Panel GrowthInternational Expansion
09/19/2023 | 17:20 - 18:00 | Central Room
