Mighty Nine

Mighty Nine

Always Be Raising

VC fundraising investment bank. Mighty Nine will help you form strong storytelling and influence habits that save you time and money, by considerably reducing the time and mental bandwidth spent formally raising.


VC fundraising investment bank. We build patiently with you, block by block: - Storytelling your equity story — Structuring a compelling equity story with a powerful and lively articulation of tactical evidence and data. We see it as an evergreen asset, not a transactional one - Influencing investors — Teaching you how to lobby Tier-1 VCs before you’re even raising, understand their psychology and how to build influence in this tight-knit community Mighty Nine will help you form strong storytelling and influence habits that save you time and money, by considerably reducing the time and mental bandwidth spent formally raising.

Have speaker on

How to finance tomorrow's world?

2022 - Panel Impact
06/09/2022 | 14:30 - 15:15

Aiming for $500M Exits as an Entrepreneurial Imperative

2023 - Fireside chat Exit StrategyLifecycle
09/19/2023 | 16:20 - 16:40 | Central Room

Want To Be the Next VC-backed 1-Billion Dollar Company?

Workshop Exit StrategyFundraisingLifecycleStartup
09/25/2024 | 14:00 - 15:00 | Boardroom FrenchTech
